Ganemos juntos
Únase al programa de asociación de Satchel y vuélvase con derecho a recibir comisiones de las transacciones de clientes atraídos.

Which partnership model suits you best?
Join Satchel referral program and receive commissions from the transactions of referred clients“.
Banca como servicio
Launch your own fintech brand with minimal effort. No financial license needed.
Expert consulting
Jumpstart your fintech business and avoid pitfalls leveraging Satchel’s industry expertise and knowledge.
Solutions for Institutional clients
Generate Unique European IBANs, perform SEPA and SWIFT transactions, issue cards for daily payments via Satchel API.
Automated payment monitoring platform
Mastercard cards issuance
IBANs únicos de la UE
Custom payment architecture
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Póngase en contacto con Satchel
Envíe su solicitud y nuestros especialistas se pondrán en contacto con usted en breve con la solución más apta