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Flag of Australia

Dólar australiano (AUD)

Flag of Bahrain

Dinar bareiní (BHD)

Flag of Bulgaria

Lev búlgaro (BGN)

Flag of Canada

Dólar canadiense (CAD)

Flag of China

Yuan chino (CNY)

Flag of Czech Republic

Corona checa (CZK)

Flag of Denmark

Corona danesa (DKK)

Flag of EU

Euro (EUR)

Flag of Hong Kong

Dólar de Hong Kong (HKD)

Flag of Hungary

Forinto húngaro (HUF)

Flag of India

Rupia india (INR)

Flag of Indonesia

Rupia indonesia (IDR)

Flag of Israel

Nuevo séquel (ILS)

Flag of Japan

Yen japonés (JPY)

Flag of Kenya

Chelín keniano (KES)

Flag of Kuwait

Dinar kuwaití (KWD)

Flag of Malaysia

Ringgit malayo (MYR)

Flag of Mexico

Peso mexicano (MXN)

Flag of Australia

Dólar neozelandés (NZD)

Flag of Norway

Corona noruega (NOK)

Flag of Oman

Rial omaní (OMR)

Flag of the Philippines

Peso filipino (PHP)

Flag of Poland

Esloti polaco (PLN)

Flag of Qatar

Riyal catarí (QAR)

Flag of Romania

Leu rumano (RON)

Flag of Saudi Arabia

Riyal saudí (SAR)

Flag of Singapore

Dólar de Singapur (SGD)

Flag of South Africa

Rand sudafricano (ZAR)

Flag of Sweden

Corona sueca (SEK)

Flag of Switzerland

Franco suizo (CHF)

Flag of Thailand

Baht tailandés (THB)

Flag of Turkey

Lira turca (TRY)

Flag of Uganda

Chelín ugandés (UGX)

Flag of the United Kingdom

Libras esterlinas británicas (GBP)

Flag of the United Arab Emirates

Dírham de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos (AED)

Flag of USA

Dólar estadounidense (USD)


Can I exchange foreign currency online?

Absolutely. Online currency exchange services have been around for a while now and have earned a solid reputation thanks to market-beating rates, fast execution time, and round-the-clock availability. There are various online platforms that you can refer to for currency exchange services, but we suggest doing some research before making your decision. The most important factors to assess are the legitimacy of the site and the rates they offer.

Satchel allows you to upgrade to flexible currency exchange rates and a tailored approach, based on the amount and frequency of your transactions, and enjoy the most competitive pricing thanks to our partnerships with multiple providers.

How does online foreign exchange work?

Online currency exchange happens via internet-based platforms that execute your order for a nominal fee. In other words, when a user makes an international money transfer through their chosen provider the latter quotes the user an exchange rate fee before processing the transaction.

I want to send/receive a transfer in a currency other than EUR, what should I do?

At Satchel, international outgoing/incoming money transfers in other currencies than EUR are available only via our Shared IBAN service. To order accounts in other currencies, please submit a SWIFT order form and we will get back to you with the most suitable solution for your transactional needs.

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