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SatchelPay representatives attended PayExpo in London

SatchelPay representatives attended PayExpo in London

PayExpo 2019, the UK’s leading payments technology conference returned for its seventh year on the 8-9 of October.

Well known for its engaging agenda, the conference covers banking, fintech, retail, gaming payments and plenty other fields. The conference aims to bring together payments community that shapes the industry today, as well as support the businesses of the future. PayExpo is UK’s largest payments event providing the opportunity to share knowledge and discuss with the disruptors and innovators of the payments industry.

This year a lot of focus in the event was given to PSD2 and Open banking, Instant and Cross-border Payments, as well as use of APIs. It was a great opportunity for those involved in payments industry and interested in making it faster, easier and more secure. Being able to witness the newest industry developments gives a clear advantage to any organisation and PayExpo provided the ability to stay at the forefront of it all.

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