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Make your Company a Financial Institution Without any Hassle

Make your Company a Financial Institution Without any Hassle

Most powerful companies have powerful brand tools in their possession. These may be aggressive ads, extensive loyalty schemes, brand cooperations, but there is an exceptional tool that adds up to the company image a lot: a branded payment solution. Throughout the years, the world saw hundreds of branded payment cards, and up until now, they play a major role in the company development because of the advantages amongst the sheer brand visibility.

Are White Label Banking Solutions Available to Giants Only?

In the early days, it was true. Co-branded cards were issued by airlines, supermarket networks, and car rental companies, and apart from the company recognition, they were no more than simple closed-loop payment cards with some basic ATM capabilities, which gave their customers some small additional perks.

However, with the development of IT and fintech, and the accessibility of technologies to smaller companies, having your own SaaS banking platform is not only easy and hassle-free but also takes in account lots of new possibilities for the business.

Why Your Own White Label Banking is Better?

Unlike co-branded solutions, mostly narrowing down to a simple card with your business logo, issued by a bank, a bespoke electronic payment solution gives your business access to some analytical and promotional possibilities, that will not only advertise your brand but help you improve your products, based on your customers’ needs.

  1. It’s not just a card. Unlike the straightforward co-branded cards the customers can pop up and spend money with, a separate full-pledged Electronic Money Institution offers multiple accounts, accounting and planning, money transfer, automated payments, and fully functioning IBAN account numbers. Your customers will love a card they can use for their everyday purchases.
  2. You are in full control. All the fees, terms and limits are set by you according to your local laws and guidances. You are not following the bank’s rules, and you are free to optimize the fee schedule to make sure it suits the best both your business needs and customers’ liking.
  3. You get insights. Anonymized reports on your customer’s spends and payment behavior give priceless addition to your user profile. Having full access to understanding their habits, likes and choices will give your business an additional push in the right direction and will allow you to build products your customers need the most.

Get a White Label Banking Solution Today

Becoming an Electronic Money Institution is extremely easy with SaaS banking providers, such as SatchelPay. With a white label banking, you will have in your possession the most up-to-date payment solution developed by professionals, without need to hire developers and put lots of effort into the design and licensing.

SatchelPay can rapidly deploy a payment solution for your business, that will look like an essential part of your company. Your customers will sign up at your website, for your services, but all of it is taken care of by SatchelPay. You set your own rules, you get all your valuable info, and SatchelPay only takes 50% from the commissions you have set.

Sign up for the SatchelPay bespoke white label banking solution to put the rapport of your business and its customers to the new lever. Give them one of the best electronic payment solutions on the market and get yourself a new push for growth with SatchelPay.

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