Satchel charity event with BC Rytas and Vilnius City Municipality

Satchel host charity event with BC Rytas and Vilnius City Municipality
On the eve of Christmas and New Year, with the support of Vilnius Municipality and the basketball club Rytas, held a charity event for children from guardianship institutions.
“Satchel’s most important corporate values include supporting and creating opportunities for the development and education of the younger generation. Therefore, it is very important for all of us to place children under guardianship in an encouraging environment and introduce them to a wide range of possibilities. After all, the winter holiday period is the time we take care of each other. We are lucky and very happy to be part of the team that got a chance to contribute to the dreams of children and their guardians,” Sergiy Barybin, the CEO of, said.
The charity event flew by in a flash, thanks to the performance of the actors of Šiuolaikinės Intelektualios Klounados Teatras. The children also had the opportunity to meet Rytas stars and test themselves on a basketball court. The master class on free throws became the highlight of the event, as well as memorable Christmas gifts and Rytas souvenirs from the club for each child.
“We, at Vilnius City Municipality, have been encouraging professional sports clubs and their partners such as Satchel to take more and more social action. This charity event is one of many wonderful initiatives focusing on children who take great interest in sports activities. Aside from turning the holidays for these children into something special, we do hope that such events will increase popularity of sports in general and also contribute to the constantly ongoing talent search,” Valdas Benkunskas, the Deputy Mayor of Vilnius City, highlights.
The organizers of the event expect to continue the initiative annually as well as inspire other enterprises to take up such projects. “There is probably nothing better about contributing to such an event before Christmas. On the occasion of the upcoming holidays, we wanted to give children extra joy through the prism of basketball. It is very gratifying that our partners – Satchel and Vilnius City Municipality contributed strongly to the event and together we were able to create this beautiful event for the little ones,” said Jaroslav Latusinskij, the director of Rytas.
Basketball club Rytas, partly owned by Vilnius City Municipality, and became partners in September and continued working together ever since, carrying out joint projects and promoting basketball both in Vilnius and beyond.