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SatchelPay representatives attended Fintech conference by COBALT

SatchelPay representatives attended Fintech conference by COBALT

Representatives of SatchelPay had the opportunity to participate in event “How to Prepare for Future Challenges in the FinTech World?” organized by Cobalt Law Firm. Guest speakers were presenting ideas on how to navigate a Fintech company in Lithuania from business, regulatory and marketing points of view.

With speakers from different backgrounds and roles in Lithuania’s Fintech market, the focus of the conference was to emphasize the importance of compliance and regulatory part of business. Representatives from Bank of Lithuania and Cobalt shared insights and recommendations for creating and maintaining internal routines in respect of reporting, AML, risk management and GDPR.

Presenters from fellow FinTechs shared their experience in overcoming common challenges when creating a business model and finding an appealing product in this competitive environment, as well as determining an efficient marketing strategy in order to engage the target audience.

The event provided a great opportunity to catch sight of successful experiences of our peers along with getting a firsthand guidance from our regulator.

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